Tetris Project -- Instructor's Guide
This is the meta description of the Stanford tetris project from the instructor
point of view.
This tetris project was presented as the Nifty
Assignments Panel at SIG-CSE 2001, and the project materials now live
at http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/112/.
The project is made of Piece and Board classes that implement the core
of the tetris game, a JTetris class (provided) that manages the game and
does the animation, and Brain classes that add in game playing AI.
Assignment Niche
Tetris is an advanced CS2 assignment. Putting the Piece, Board, and Brain
systems all together creates something larger than the typical CS2 assignment,
and some of the algorithms are tricky to get right. The complexity makes
for a more convincing demonstration of the benefits of a modular OOP design.
From a teaching point of view, the main theme of the assignment is using
OOP decomposition to divide a complex system into more manageable pieces.
We require the students to have separate test code for both Piece and
Board before the two are used in the full tetris. Partly this is just an
excuse to teach them about modular test code, and partly because it really
is the best way to get the whole thing to work. The project is too big
to debug all at once.
Engineering issues aside, tetris is at its heart a fun and visually
engaging project. The brain and adversary features add novelty and further
ways to play with the system. It's the sort of assignment that the students
play with for hours after the required functionality has been done. (Unless
their Board doesn't quite work -- nothing sucks the fun out of game of
tetris quicker than a board that, say, doesn't do row clearing right.)
I see tetris being used in a CS2 course or later to show off OOP decomposition
on a large project. Programming maturity is required to code and debug
the algorithms. The students probably should get 2 or 3 weeks to complete
the project, and it should be due in stages, which fits well with its modular
Strengths and Weaknesses
The best feature of the assignment is that it attacks some real complexity
with OOP decomposition. It also builds something visual and fun that the
students really enjoy playing with. The bad part of the assignment is that
it is large, and some of the algorithms are tricky. This can be very frustrating
for the students if they don't have the skills to deal with that scale
of program yet. It also means that it's going to take 2 or 3 weeks out
of the term.
As an alternative to the full tetris project, the students can just work
on their own brain code and load it in to the off-the-shelf JTetris program
to try it out. This makes a fun little assignment. Brain code is surprisingly
easy to write -- it requires only a basic understanding of Java and OOP.
The problem itself is creative and open-ended. There is no right answer;
intead the students can code up their heuristic ideas pretty easily and
see what they do. The readme has some suggested brain strategies. The LameBrain
that ships with the project is extremely simple -- I found that when I
shipped a better brain, it seemed to inhibit the students from trying their
own. With the LameBrain, it's obvious to the students that they could easily
write a better one (or perhaps watching it play poorly is just too offensive
to allow to pass without improvement!).
Implementation Variants
The assignment can be given as a non-OOP ADT assignment. There's not really
any inheritance going on -- I've given a verison of this assignment in
Pascal with Piece and Board ADTs.
The undo algorithm and interface could be simplified without compromising
the assignment by relaxing the constraint that the Board and its undo system
be so efficient. In particular, implement undo just by copying the whole
board instead of the efficient/stingy strategy. In this way, the client
can just copy the board before making changes. This is slower since it
copies more, and in Java, it will tend to introduce memory churn in the
algorithm, where the stingy strategy never calls new after the initial
The undo algorithm could work without any copying, but instead by remembering
the piece and location of the last play, and then backing it out block
by block. Row clearing would have to be handled separately.
The board could use something other than a 2-d array as its internal representation.
I suspect storing each column as a single 32 bit int and using a bit to
represent a block would run faster. Another idea is to store the booleans
in a 1-d array and do the offset arithmetic explicitly intead of using
a 2-d array.